Spring is in the air, and by spring, I mean pollen. And LOTS of it, causing allergies for many people under the sun.
So what is an allergen anyway?
Well, it’s a substance that basically tricks the immune system. It makes your body think that the allergen is an invader and overreacts to it. Most allergens are harmless, but they do tend to make the body produce antibodies that travel to cells and release histamine and other chemicals, thus causing an allergic reaction.
So how can you help your body during this time of confusion? Simple. Essential oils.
Specifically a few EO’s combined can do wonders for not only your body, but helping clean out the stale winter air in your home. Easy peasy. Lemon squeezy!
I tend to use a lot of citrus in the spring due to its cleansing properties. Oils like, wild orange, lemongrass and lemon mix great with peppermint. spearmint and grapefruit are also great this time of year. And that’s the essentials!
In terms of brands, there are a lot of EO brands on the market. Whatever you’re using, be sure they are pure EO’s. I am a huge fan of DoTERRA. They are CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade. (Translation: QUALITY.) Feel free to email me with any other helpful tips on oils!